Thursday, November 27, 2014

Diet and Ayurveda Medicines

The Ayurvedic physician usually begins the cure of disease by arranging the diet that is to be followed by the patient. So much do the Ayurvedic physicians rely on diet that they declare that all diseases can be cured by following dietetic rules carefully along with the proper herbal supplements; but if a patient does not attend to his diet, a hundred good medicines will not be cured.
                                                                                                    - Charaka Samhita 1.41

"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food

According to Ayurveda, diet should be chosen according to the season, constitution of the individual and the specific doshic imbalances that are present.
The equilibrium between Man and Nature leads to perfect health. The five elements in nature ((ether, air, fire, water and earth) are present in every human being and govern every life on Earth. These five elements are in fact present in the naturally available food that we eat. Therefore any imbalance in the relation between man and nature is bought in equilibrium by the art of maintaining a proper diet.
The Benfits of a Personalized Ayurvedic Diet

  • Better health, youthfulness and better memory
  • More energy, endurance and strength
  • A gradual decrease in existing diseases
  • Prevention of colds, flu's and other diseases
  • Greater ability to handle stress and anxiety
  • saves you money in the long run
  • Improved sleep and concentration
  • Better digestion, metabolism and elimination
  • Healthier skin, complexion and slowed down aging
  • Increases intelligent
  • Healthier progeny
  • Stronger immune system
  • Weight loss or gain and better sense control

Charaka prescribes the following principles for healthy eating:
Food should be hot, tasty and easy to digest. Eat proper amount of food.
Food eaten should not be too much or too little.
Do not eat when you are not hungry and conversely do not fail to eat when you are hungry.
Eat in congenial and pleasant surroundings with all accessories necessary for the enjoyment of food.
Eating should neither be rushed nor too leisurely.
Concentrate on your food while eating.
Our diet should be tailored to suit our prakriti. A vata individual should take warm and sweet food articles. A person with pitta prakriti should take cool, heavy, sweet, bitter and astringent food items. A person with kapha prakriti should take food, which is dry, warm, light, pungent, bitter and astringent.

Our Location

Wednesday, November 26, 2014



Die Aktivitäten in unserem Aayurveda Zentrum sind über die praktische Anwendung und Akzeptanz der Philosophischen und theoretische Konzept der Aayurveda durch ausländische Person gilt. Sie wurden von einer zuständigen Behörde, akademisch in Aayurveda qualifiziert programmiert. Einige der einzigartigen und herausragenden Merkmale sind: -  

v Arzt Rücksprache eines jeden Gastes von einem Arzt vor der Behandlung. 

v Die Art der Behandlung und Ziel werden dem Gast bekannt gemacht vor einer Weiterbehandlung. 

v Der Therapeut wird sich der Therapien gemacht in Anwesenheit des Gastes gegeben, um Vertrauen und Zuversicht. verbessern  

v Fall Aufzeichnungen Gäste sind täglich gepflegt und für die Zukunft gestellt. Die Fallakte umfasst: Hauptbeschwerde, klinische Befunde auf Basis Aayurveda, Behandlung und Ernährung. 

v Die Beurteilung der Individualität eines Gast (Prakruti Pareeksha) ist einzigartig und informativ.Nicht nur, dass wir erkennen, das Verhältnis der drei Doshas, ​​aber wir beraten sie auch von Risikofaktoren, Krankheitsanfälligkeit und tägliche Gabe zur Geist-Körper-Harmonie für die Zukunft zu erhalten.

Ayurveda Treatments


The activities at our Aayurveda centre are based on the practical application and acceptability of the Philosophical and Theoretical concept of Aayurveda by foreign guest. They have been programmed by a competent authority, academically qualified in Aayurveda. Some of the unique and salient features are: - 

v Doctor consultation of every guest by a doctor prior to treatment.

v The mode of treatment and objective are made known to the guest before commencement of treatment.

v The therapist is made aware of the therapies to be given in the presence of the guest to enhance trust and confidence. 

v Case records of guests are well-maintained daily and filed for future reference. The case record includes: chief complaint, clinical findings based on Aayurveda, treatment and diet.

v The assessment of the individuality of a guest (Prakruti Pareeksha) is unique and informative. Not only do we identify the ratio of the three doshas but we also advice them of risk factors, disease proneness and daily regimen to sustain mind-body harmony for the future. 


v Accommodates local and foreign residential guests 1-3 week package. One-day treatment may be scheduled at the discretion of the chief consultant. 

v The overall health case approach is twofold: -

A) An initial acclimatization-orientation procedure with appropriate therapeutic modules and medicines are prescribed for three to four days - this would enable guest to become familiar to the alternative treatment procedure.

B) Specific treatment procedures with appropriate Therapeutic modules, Evidenced based medicines and Diet is prescribed subsequently. The guest is made aware (transparency) of the daily regimen or the do’s and don’ts. 

v Basically the internal treatment producers adopted are to: -

1. Detoxify or to neutralize morbid factors in the body.
2. Purify or to cleanse the body of toxins by Nasya, Virechana, Vasti. 
3. Augment bio-availability of medicines prescribed through Aayurvedic specifics.
4. Rejuvenate and enhance immunity through Aayurvedic antioxidants.
5. Control weight gain.
6. Control stress through mental relaxation.

v The traditional medicinal preparation is in the form of herbal wines, decoctions syrups, powder, pills and external applications. They are from natural resources and are made to standards of Good Manufacturing Practices.

The therapies are well trained to serve with efficiency and dedication. Male and female therapies strictly attend on male and female guests respectively in well-equipped cabins.

v There are many causes that disturb the mental and physical well being of a person. Depending on the constitutional traits the same case could produce varied Symptoms and signs in different individuals.

v Considering the service of the clinical condition its duration and the period of stay at the centre we treat. 

Acne, Arthritis, Backache, Brachial Neuritis, Colitis, Constipation, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dandruff, Eczema, Falling Of Hair, Gastritis, Halitosis, High Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Neuritis, Obesity, Pleurodynia, Piles, Peptic Ulcer, Rheumatism, Sinusitis, Stress, Sore Throat, Sciatica, Tinnitus, Throat Infection. 

v We provide a wide range of external therapy modules and the Doctor identifies and prescribes those that are specific.


01) Abhyanga.

The body or parts of the body are massage with medicated oil. It is soothing, relives tiredness and fatigue. Relives neuro-muscular complaints. Enhance luster of the skin. We also perform Synchronize body massage.

02) Udvartana.

Medicinal powder or specially prepared oils are used. The direction of the massage is towards the heart. Specially performed to reduce weight.

03) Pizichil.

Cotton bolus dipped in warm-medicated oil is squeezed constantly over the body and massaged. A hot water bath is given after the massage. It is rejuvenating and relieves neuromuscular disorders. 

04) Parishekha.

Medicated fluids, oils, milk are used. The fluid is made to pass through a number of holes in a vessel on the body of guest. The fluid may be cold or lukewarm. This type of medicated affusion wards off weakness in the body relieves redness or burning sensation of the body and it is soothing the skin.

05) Shirodhaara.

It is a process to ensure a continuous, steady flow of medicated oil, milk or buttermilk on the forehead of the guest. A special vessel in which fluid is contained is suspended above the head of the guest. The stream of the fluid flows through a single small hole at the bottom of the vessel. This therapy relieves stress headache, poor sleep.

06) Avagaaha Sweda.

The guest is advised to sit in the tub after a hip massage with medicated oil. The tub bath is filled up to the waist / chest of the guest with herbal decoction. The liquid should be comfortably warmed. This type of hipbath is good for sciatica, urinary disorders and lower back pain. 

07) Pinda Sweda.

Pinda Sweda is a special type of fomentation done with the help of bolus. Depending on the symptoms the bolus are prepared with milk rice (Paayas Pinda Sweda) or herbal (Patra Pinda Sweda) or medical powder. Relieves pain and swelling and stiffness of joints.

08) Vaashpa Sweda. (Steam Bath)

The patient is advised to lie down in a specially constructed chamber. Steam from the decoction of herbs is made to circulate in the chamber and the guest is made to perspire. Indicated for sciatica, over weight, arthritis. Relieves toxins from the body. 

9) Choorna Sweda.

Powdered medicinal herbs, lemon, rock salt and oil are warmed and made in to bolus for fomentation over painful areas after the application of medicated oil. Indicated for Arthritis, neuritis and painful area, stiff joints. 

10) Naadi Sweda.

Medicated herbs are boiled in a vessel with a cover and steam is carefully directed through the nozzle of a tube over affected localized area. Relieves stiffness of joints.

11) Kati Vasti.

Dough is prepared with black gram powder and water. The guest is advised to lie down in a prone position and a trough is made with the dough over the lumbosacral region. The trough is filled with medicated oil and is kept for 20-30min. indicated for sciatica, lumbago.
12) Urovasti.

The guest is advised to lie down in supine position and a trough is made with black gram powder dough on the chest. Medicated oil is filled and is kept for 20-30min. indicated for painful conditions of the chest.

13) Sirovasti.

Lukewarm herbal oils are poured into a cap placed on the head and is held for 15-30min. Effective for facial paralysis, severe headache dry scalp, falling of hair.

14) Akshitarpana.

Medicated ghee is kept over the eyes for 05-10min in small trough made of black gram dough. Indicated for irritable eyes. Xeropthalmia weakness of the optic nerve. 

15) Gandoosha / Kavalagraha. 

A decoction or infusion is prepared with herbs. The guest is requested to gargle the month or fill the oral cavity and retain it for 02-03min. the fluid can then be spat out. It relieves inflammation of the oral cavity, strengthens the gums and cures certain oral infection. 

16) Pichu.

A price of cloth or gauze is folded and dipped in medicated oil. This is placed on the affected area. Relieves dryness or inflammation of the scalp, stiffness or joint and skin affection.

17) Head massage.

Head massage is done with medicated oils. It nourishes the scalp and improve growth of hair. Relieves headache relives stress and induces natural sleep.

18) Face Massage.

Face massage is gentle and soothing. It cleanses skin, nourishes the muscles and enhance complexion. Relieves spasms of the face muscle, special face packs are used to enhance the texture of the skin and remove blemishes. 

19) Neck and Shoulder Massage.

This massage is performed with special medicated oils to relieve spasms and painful conditions of the neck and shoulder often due to the stress, frozen shoulder.

20) Back Massage.

Painful conditions of the upper back or lower back results from various causes. Special massage techniques are adopted with specific oils. Relieves lumbago spondylitis sciatica. 
21) Upper and Lower Limb Massage.

Massage for upper, lower limb are done for painful conditions of the muscles and joints. Relieves tennis elbow, carpel tunnel syndrome, rheumatic pain of joints.

22) Palm / Foot Massage.

Well-trained therapist perform the palm / foot massage with due attention to certain pressure points and massage techniques. Relieves stress, induces relaxation and natural sleep.

23) Footbath.

The guest is requested to immerse the feet in warm herbal water for a stipulated time. It is invigoration, refreshing and induces sleep.

24) Herbal Bath.

Selected herbs are needed to prepare herbal bath. They remove toxins, relieve tiredness and are invigoration. 

25) Flower Bath.

Flower bath is a serene episode that marks the finale. The guest is requested to dip into a tub carved of a single rock. It is filled with clear water and fragrant flowers. The guest experiences tranquility and the gentle healing “touch” of Aayurveda… to be remembered.

v Physical exercise (Vyaayaama) is a mode of treatment mentioned under neutralizing (Samana) therapy. A decent Gymnasium offers selected procedures to enhanced well-being.

v A well-maintained Swimming pool at the health centre provides recreation in a healthy way.

v Yoga is an integral part of Aayurveda, which enhance the quality of life. Trained persons give instructions.

v The serenity of the herbal centre in achieving a state of mind-body harmony is further augmented by soft music and the enchanting landscape with waterfalls.

v Periodic lecture, explaining the true perspective of Aayurveda are delivered by well-qualified Aayurvedic doctors. Periodic refresher courses are given to therapists to enhance their efficiency.

v The guest is given a discharge card, which gives all relevant after treatment

German Tourist Attraction

The Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB), under the leadership of Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa, has identified Germany as a key market among the traditional tourist markets of Sri Lanka and actions were taken to set up an attractive stall at the ITB, inclusive of all the tourism products related to the market of Germany.

From Germany 85,470 travellers were received in 2013 recording 20% overall growth with the revenue generated from this segment being $ 170 million. By 2016 the strategic development plan aims to attract 130,000 visitors from Germany in order to achieve the set target of 2.6 million tourists.” He also remarked that the tourism industry of Sri Lanka will move to the top there foreign exchange earners for the country very soon.

300 taxies were branded focusing on tourism attraction themes appealing to the German market such as Ayurveda, Wildlife, Beaches, Heritage and Culture

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Full Body Relaxation "SWASTHA"

Full Body Relaxation "SWASTHA" Treatment Package

This " SWASTHAfull body relaxation treatment  gives dynamic balance between the body, soul and mind, the balancing factor known to be responsible to prevent disease, sustaining the body over time. When the body loses this balance, only then can disease take over our systems. "SWASTHA" is a unique programs to relieve you of those old age pains, relieving stress via absorption of oils through body pores.

We are introducing  “SWASTHA” which is a combined form of therapies which contributesto give relaxation and prevention from diseases.

  •                           Relaxation Full Body Therapy
  •                           Intensive Treatment Massage                                           
  •                           Shirodhara
  •                           Various Type of Kizhi
  •                           Face Packs
  •                           Body Packs
  •                           Herbal Steam Bath
  •               Sauna
  •                           Meditation    
  •                           Aroma Therapy


Traetment Charges
Cottages from


    v Above rates are per person per day

v Minimum 5 days recommended

v Accomadation with full boad, in Eco friendly cottages

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Our Wonderful Treatments

You can experience the best of ancient Ayurveda treatments, Yoga, Meditation at
eco-friendly   Field View Holiday ResortAthurugiriya about 20 min away from Colombo 

Capital of Sri  Lanka.

You forget all your worries, obligations and any sense 
of time and concentrate completely on the profound regeneration of body and 
mind when at our
 wonderful treatments and for the possibility 

of having absolute quiet and relaxation.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

This is our Ayurvedic Health Center located at the Eco-Friendly environment  at Field View Holiday Resort, Athurugiriya, Colombo, Sri Lanka